Posts Tagged “tessellation”

My facebook page is past 500 likes. The 500 likes draw is over. The time has come to announce a winner. (Make sure to enter the 750 likes draw if you haven’t already)
There were a total of 307 entries to this draw, with 99 people included twice because they shared (188 entries).
It was quite an exciting contest, with a lot of positive feedback from a wide variety of geographic locations. A few people related to the art style because they live or lived in the areas where it was derived in the Pacific Northwest. (For those who are American, I am referring to Northwest BC and Alaska. 🙂
So, without any further ado, I would like to announce the winner of the 500 likes contest to be…
Cathy Choinicki
Congratulations, Cathy!
With the success of my 500 likes contest, my 750 likes contest is now on. Same rules: (1) like my page (2) post your intent on my wall. Here is what I am giving away for the 750 likes draw, it’s entitled “Salmon”:

If you would like to purchase this work, please click on the image above. If you don’t do facebook, please leave a comment here. Thanks
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Posted by Nigel in Art, Business, Freda Diesing School, Northwest Coast Art, tags: animals, bears, escher, Haida, MC Escher, prints, tessellation

I have a new design. The design is entitled “Bears”.
I hope to make this a pretty limited edition of about 30 prints. Prints will be on 8.5″x11″ paper, so they will be pretty small and easy to transport. Let me know if you would like to purchase a print.
$56 each with tax included.
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Posted by Nigel in Business, Northwest Coast Art, tags: butterfly, draw, Fox, free, giveaway, painting, print, serigraph, tessellation

With the success of my first draw for 200 likes on my facebook page, I have decided to extend this draw to 270 and give away yet another artwork. I am planning on giving away one of my Butterflies serigraphs when my page reaches 270.
To enter this draw is quite simple: 1) Like my facebook page and 2) post on the wall of my facebook page that you want to be part of the draw.
When my page reaches 270 likes, I will draw from the entries (using and announce the winner.
The last draw had 60 likes in under 5 days, and I anticipate that this draw will go quite fast,too. As of writing this, it is at 244 likes and climbing daily.
So, get your entry in there and happy contesting!!!
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I have digitized my latest northwest coast tessellation, “Butterflies #3”. Currently, I think that I will probably make this into a print. This particular design is a play off my second butterfly tessellation, which I made my first silkscreen print from.
Basically, I made a slight modification to the lattice, or “frame”, of the original butterfly tessellation and adapted the motif (butterfly) accordingly.
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Well, it’s been almost a month since we have come back home from Terrace and things are fairly busy. I am working on a limited edition silkscreen print and I hope that I am nearly done. This is my first silkscreen print edition and so I am not quite sure how close I am to finishing. This edition was of my butterfly tessellation.
 My father in law, Darrell and I working on the roof of the studio.
I am also back to working on my studio again. This has been a project that has been coming along in my yard. I am building a 24’x20′ art studio, separate from the house. It’s a place to work on art projects.
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