Posts Tagged “giveaway”

"Bear" Tessellation

The response to my 500 Likes Draw in Facebook has been pretty good for little old me. The page has averaged just over 10 likes per day last week and is steadily climbing. If you would like to be part of this contest before it closes, please go to this link and follow the simple, two step instructions:

Thanks and Happy Drawing!!!

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I am putting on an amazing, super, great, stupendous, all out, no holds barred, free artwork draw! My last draw went to Katherine Clayton, who won a $200 serigraph, Butterflies. The next one will go to whoever enters the draw before my page reaches 500 likes!!!

This draw, I am giving away a superb quality pigmented ink work titled “Bears”.

To enter, simply (1) “like” my facebook page, and (2) post on my wall that you would like to be part of the contest. If you would like to be added to the draw a second time, then share on your Facebook profile about this draw. that’s it, that’s all. Hope to see your name!

Also, I am exhibiting as the Lakes Artisan Centre’s first guest exhibitor. This exhibit goes on for the month of February. Opening night is Friday, Feb 3rd, from 6pm to 8pm at the Lakes Artisan Centre in Burns Lake. I am displaying one of my newest pieces there and it should be a good show.

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Butterflies Print

With the success of my first draw for 200 likes on my facebook page, I have decided to extend this draw to 270 and give away yet another artwork.  I am planning on giving away one of my Butterflies serigraphs when my page reaches 270.

To enter this draw is quite simple: 1) Like my facebook page and 2) post on the wall of my facebook page that you want to be part of the draw.

When my page reaches 270 likes, I will draw from the entries (using and announce the winner.

The last draw had 60 likes in under 5 days, and I anticipate that this draw will go quite fast,too.  As of writing this, it is at 244 likes and climbing daily.

So, get your entry in there and happy contesting!!!

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