“…And Now for My Next Trick…”
Posted by Nigel in Art, Landscape, portraiture, still life, abstract, Other Artists, tags: escher, friends, God, Gospel, Haida Gwaii, Holy Spirit, Paul, PeterI have a thing about being in public spaces just to hear people talk. It is the next best thing to conversation when you can’t find a friend to talk with and when you really, really need one. Sometimes–actually always–God ordains something or someone to happen. What better day than on earth day that God should send me Peter and Paul, messengers of the Gospel to the world?
I was playing chess when another chess fan came up and asked me if I wanted to strike up a game. Peter turned out to be a magician, yes a magician, from St John’s, NB. He knows a lot about philosophy, ideas and even computer theory. We had a grand old time playing chess, talking deep and laughing it up. Peter introduced me to his friend, Paul, who like me, is a visual artist but from George. Paul is also Ojibway, like my dad.
Peter mentioned that he loves art. And the first artist that he mentioned? Escher!
Peter also mentioned that he was going to Haida Gwaii.
Peter finished off the afternoon with a bagel photo op (for a contest), and a series of magic tricks, including this amazing trick that involved a twisting fork with only one hand–yes, a normal fork…yes, only one hand…
God sent some friends when I needed them. Yes, it was quite unorthodoxically, yet characteristically God at work!
Please check out Peter’s blog at www.abramagic.ca and Paul’s blog at www.torarrow.com