Art Exhibit a Huge Success
Posted by Nigel in Business, Freda Diesing School, Northwest Coast Art, Northwest Coast Artists, Other Artists, tags: ABEST, art gallery, artwork, Barbara Highe, business plan, Freda Diesing, group show, opening, retrospective, school, string instruments, students, success, terraceThe art exhibit opening at the Terrace Art Gallery was a huge success. We had what appeared to be about 200 people show up for the opening, with people from as far away as Hazelton showing up to meet the artists. I met people that I haven’t seen in years there, including a friend that I knew since I was ten years old that I haven’t seen in years and a lady whose portrait I drew in Gitsegeukla at a church meeting in 2007. I think that tonight has been a fulfillment of my best expectations, with an offer coming in to connect me up with a print maker in Victoria. Making reproductions is a key part of my business plan that I handed in on the aboriginal BEST entrepreneurship deadline today. It has been a very busy week that all came to a head this evening. My wife and I are going to watch a movie and go to bed. Stay tuned for more on the exhibit opening in a couple of days.
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