Practice Presentations
Posted by Nigel in Business, Freda Diesing School, Northwest Coast Art, Northwest Coast Artists, tags: BEST of the BEST, carving, Community Futures, galleries, Harold Demetzer, Stan Bevan, vancouverI had a couple practice presentations at community futures this morning for the Best of the BEST competition in Vancouver this weekend. I will be going down to Vancouver for this competition. It should be a good time. I was critiqued by an audience of two people at Community Futures today, but I have to say that it was actually harder doing the presentation for my wife last night. She is a way harder critic.
I caught the tail end of Harold Demetzer’s speech today and he was talking about galleries. Harold said that even the most prestigious artists use galleries. He described the variety of galleries that are in Vancouver and he made it clear as to what ones were more presentation oriented and what ones were more production oriented. I definitely want to go with a presentation oriented gallery if I have the choice. Stan Bevan told us that we need to make our own decisions as to who we feel comfortable doing business with.
In the afternoon, we resumed our projects. I am working on two bowls right now and I am almost finished my spoon.
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