More posts to come…
Posted by Nigel in Business, Northwest Coast Art, tags: antenna, Archives, bowl, frog, high speed, internet, museum, prince rupert, TopleyWell, it’s a bit of a milestone for Topley–we finally got a reliable high speed internet provider in town. Having a computer science degree and some experience, I decided to apply for a job with the ISP (internet service provider) and as my bit of (low paid) public service for the fine people of Topley, I just installed the first customer unit this morning after doing some antenna alignments on the tower.
Anyways, all tech stuff aside, I am using this high speed internet in the comfort of my own living room and I will be able to publish more posts.
I am prepping for my solo exhibit in July at the Prince Rupert museum and archives. I am currently working on a cedar frog bowl and I am nearing completion. More posts to come…
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