First Day Out of School, First Commission
Posted by Nigel in Business, Northwest Coast Art, Northwest Coast Artists, Other ArtistsWell, it’s the first day out of school at Freda Diesing School and Nathan Wilson and I have work to do already. We have been commissioned to work on a twelve foot long, old growth cedar log. We are to put five crests on this log. The four main crests: wolf, eagle, killer whale and raven; and a sub-crest, beaver. For those of you who don’t know, a crest is a native stylized design of an animal, usually to represent a matrilineal (ie from the mom) blood-line. We have been commissioned to do this piece in order to honor first nations at a local day care.
It has been quite the year at Freda Diesing School. I remember being so nervous on the first day. Over the first few months, with the incessant ovoids and various workshops and fieldtrips. Then the new year with its deadlines, exhibits and presentations. What a year. I had so much fun and learned so much–that is the way that learning should be. I look forward to meeting with everyone in the class in the future, and if not, then on Facebook.