Our Home and Native Land
Posted by Nigel in Freda Diesing School, tags: Canada, Canadian, enbridge, first nations, indian flag, native flag, northern gateway, pipeline, proposed, tankers, west coastSome people have asked me to expound upon this print. Basically, I made this design with a strong desire to honour those who are so integral to Canada as a culture. Particularly, this is a nod to the fact that Canada was at one time, Native Land.
And although I don’t fully understand the specifics between what happened then and now but history isn’t always neutral, and projects like the proposed northern gateway pipeline are reminiscent of so many other projects that have come and left the land scarred–as if no one ever lived here.
I can go on about that, but I don’t want to be negative. This isn’t supposed to be a negative piece; in fact, it’s quite positive. I believe in forgiveness. But I also believe in justice. I hope that the pipeline never goes through.
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