Young and Old
Posted by Nigel in Freda Diesing School, tags: children, contemporary, kinder garden, TraditionWe had a visit today by about 50 kinder garden students who pulled up in a big yellow bus. I enjoyed talking with the young ones. Some of them asked questions, others talked about seemingly random things, others were very shy and quiet. I was kind of amazed to see one student pointing out the crests that he saw in the class and declaring that he was from the eagle crest. He was probably taught by someone older than himself, perhaps his elders.
A really great thing about Freda Diesing School is the seamless mixture of old and young students. The ages range from 19 to 70 and no one really notices. The younger students glean from the older and the older students get new ideas from the younger. It almost parallels the symbiosis between traditional and modern art, because the young would not be as strong as they could without the old and the old, likewise. I’ll say it again, this is what makes this school really great.