First Annual Terrace Studio Tour
Posted by Nigel in Business, Landscape, portraiture, still life, abstract, Northwest Coast Art, Northwest Coast Artists, Other ArtistsAlthough many of you who are from out of town did not hear about this event in Terrace, there was an annual studio tour this weekend in Terrace. It couldn’t have been a better weekend, weather wise. Numerous people came out to where I was stationed with two other artists, near Usk. Usk is about 10 minutes outside of Terrace, so the people who came sure wanted to see us. There were treats, good conversation, refreshments, beautiful scenery and beautiful art. My only regret was that I didn’t get to see the other studio venues; Amy did, though, and she told me that she had a really great time.
At the venue where I was stationed, there were two other artists: Todd Stephens and Susann Williamson. Todd is a Nisga’a artist who runs a studio in town, Wilp Simgan (House of Red Cedar), and Susann is an artist who makes stained glass in her studio, Mountainside Stained Glass. Susann was an amazing hostess and a cook of heroic proportions. I think that I will remember the ham sandwich that I had this afternoon for some time to come. amy and I were very privileged to stay with her and her partner, Al.
We are looking forward to next year’s event. Over all, it was a very successful weekend, we gave it our best, and then had a rest.